"Carlo Rizzarda" Modern Art Gallery

Museum of decorative arts unique in the world, the "Carlo Rizzarda" modern art gallery was founded as a bequest of the famous blacksmith and inaugurated in 1938. It houses over 400 wrought iron artefacts, forged in sinuous and elegant shapes between 1910 and 1930 by Carlo Rizzarda: gates, lamps, railings, handrails and panels. There are also decorative art objects and works of art purchased by the master to furnish his home in Milan.

Among the artists of these works of art there are Giovanni Fattori, Telemaco Signorini, Egon Schiele, Adolfo Wildt, Felice Casorati and Gaetano Previati. The donation of the contemporary art collection of the journalist Liana Bortolon has expanded the collection with works by twentieth-century masters such as Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Mario Sironi and Massimo Campigli.

Via Paradiso, 8 32032 Feltre


  • Full price € 4,00 – Combined full price € 5.00
  • Scholastic/Reduced € 1,50
  • Scholastic/Combined Reduced € 2,50